This Blog and What It Means To You

     Here is my first post. I am afraid it is not very wry and, to be quite honest, I'd rather be writing this down with pen and paper. But, if I did that, you, my dear reader, would not have the pleasure of seeing these words, possibly remembering them and not talking about it to anyone else the next day.

     Like many blogs, I expect this one to be extremely self-centered with a lot of unnecessary dialogue from my life and those who are in it. If you have any suggestions on how to make the blog better, please let me know somehow and I'll definitely take your criticism to heart because really, if I ever stop learning, I am dead. 

     This blog will have a lot of what I think is witty commentary on the world around me which, incidentally, is also the world around you. I hope this general link between you and I will help to forge a word-relationship built on trust and self-deprecation. I'm thinking there will be a heaping of non sequitur posts followed with a sprinkling of fashion commentary/advice on the side. 

   To finish this first meagre post, I just want to say this blog may actually be entirely for myself. In fact, it is just that. I need to do a lot of soul-searching in this turning-into-an-adult phase, and here is where I'll post it. Publicly. Gulp.